Skill-Based Teaching & Learning
In GBP, we prefer a style of teaching and learning that is focused on skill development rather than content knowledge. That is not to say that our content is not important; we are learning about the great city of Boston, after all. However, the history and modern culture of the city and its surroundings is an interesting and important feature of the class, not its driving force. Instead, activities and assessments are crafted around and completed based on a set of core skills which are the true goals of learning for our students. Skill-based learning goals speak to core competencies in which students should be proficient in order to succeed in academic and professional lives.
Click on any of the links below to explore our different learning goals, including rubrics for assessment, exemplars, and/or supplementary resources:
Click on any of the links below to explore our different learning goals, including rubrics for assessment, exemplars, and/or supplementary resources: